Monday, January 14, 2008

Visual Studies 280 Spring 2008 Flyer

VISUAL STUDIES 280 / Spring 2008
Graduate Seminar / Word and Image
Anthony Dubovsky
Monday Evenings 6:30-9:30 / 170 Wurster

This is a class about imagination and ideas. We begin each week with atheme—sometimes a single word--as point of departure. Everyone in the group does a project in response—a drawing, a painting, a collage—the medium is open. In the following class we look at the work, and a conversation ensues. And then, a new word.

The endeavor here involves a kind of opening—not just in terms of skill (although this can play a part), but more in finding the right (visual and verbal) language to give form to one’s understanding of the world. A challenge that carries over into any of the fields of art, design—and beyond…. The hand is important here--the autographic mark--both in terms of subject and source--and as a way of entering in. An exploration in which the goal becomes a part of the discovery...

Students from all departments welcome. Writers as well as visual artists. This is good place to explore your initial ideas about the master’s thesis. Also, for graduate students interested in teaching drawing (as GSIs in ED 11A) this course is strongly recommended..

If you are planning to enroll, please let me know by e-mail at my hotmail account. Include a paragraph about yourself, your interests--and a jpeg image of something you've made. (Please keep jpeg files small--500k or less. They're just to give me a sense of who you are.)